7 Surefire Digital Marketing Tips That Actually Grow Your Leads

digital marketing tips

In a world where thousands of businesses sprout each day, competition can only continue to grow. As a result, entrepreneurs must look for smart digital marketing tips to stand out from the crowd.

Lead generation remains a challenge for most companies despite spending substantial amounts on marketing. Experts have found that generating traffic and leads is the biggest challenge for 65 percent of businesses.

Print advertising and strategies like cold-calling are not as effective as they were two decades ago. The digital explosion has revolutionized the way people access information by opening multiple communication channels.

Some studies suggest that Americans can come across more than 4,000 commercials per day. What’s the probability of your ad attracting the desired viewership?

If you are grappling with growing your leads, here are seven digital marketing tips for you.

Fine Tune Your Landing Page

The design of your website influences how viewers interact with it. The homepage receives the highest amount of traffic compared to other pages. It creates the first impression of your site.

Loading time is a critical thing, as most visitors are impatient with slow websites. The average person will not wait beyond than three seconds. If your homepage takes longer than that, you will lose considerable traffic.

Optimize the site before launching your marketing plan. Improve the user experience to make access to resources straight-forward.

You can have some offers on the landing page. Create a call to action (CTA) button to compel the visitors to take action. Sync the headline message with the CTA.

Start a Blog

A blog can help to build your relevance in your niche. It’s an effective method to develop the footprint of your content. It attracts new visitors and generates new leads for your business.

Getting people to the landing page of your site can be challenging. With informative content on your blog, you can drive your readers to your website with hyperlinks. By posting frequently, you can develop a steady readership that can potentially transform into buying customers.

You can also use search engine optimization to ensure your posts have better rankings on search engines. This way, it’s easier to find new clients using targeted search phrases.

Invest in Video Marketing

With affordable digital devices and high internet speeds, videos have become the most consumed types of media. YouTube users today are more than one billion in number. Your Facebook feed will feature multiple videos posted every day.

Video clips are more effective than other modes of communication used today. Explainer videos are excellent in issuing instructions and explaining product features when compared to printed manuals.

Video marketing is growing at an impressive rate, and its demand is also increasing. A study in 2018 showed that 54 percent of respondents were eager to watch videos from marketers.

To make it work for you, create a message that is easy to understand and include a memorable CTA. Include at least one character, even if it’s just the person telling a story.

Start with a brief opening statement, introduce the problem in the middle, and conclude the video by resolving the issue. The solution should be what you are selling. Finish with your call to action.

Start Influencer Marketing

Most people are quick to adopt the recommendations of the people they trust, such as family members and friends. Influence is one of the most useful digital marketing tips you can utilize.

Influencer marketing aims to earn the trust of consumers by using a name or face they recognize. By endorsing a brand, the person attracts masses to the product.

It’s crucial to identify an influencer who blends with your business. For instance, a football star matches well with soccer boots. The same person may not go well with sanitary towels.

Influencers can persuade their followers to purchase a product through social media channels or blogs. Even with sponsored promotions, most consumers will consider a brand so long as it has ties with their favorite personality. They believe that the person would not endorse the product if it was bogus.

Develop a Paid Lead Campaign

This strategy generates leads through paid campaigns, for instance, Pay-Per-Click (PPC). Studies suggest that 65 percent of B2B companies have acquired at least one customer from LinkedIn paid ads. Google also reports that businesses using Adwords gain $2 for every $1 spent.

To run a paid lead campaign, ensure that your website is user-friendly. Define your prospects, populate the right keywords, and design a landing page aimed for conversion. You will then find multiple digital channels to drive your campaigns.

Devise a Referral Program

If you’ve been selling for some years, you must have a database of return customers. Have you considered asking them to refer their friends to you?

Eighty percent of shoppers trust the recommendation of family and associates when buying a product. Not every customer will make an effort to promote your business, but the willing minority can make a significant difference.

You can entice your loyal customers with freebies, cashback, discounts, and so forth for referrals.

A Deloitte consumer review reports that 26 percent of return customers come back due to loyalty plans. Integrating this strategy with referral programs can see an astronomical growth in your leads.

Stay Updated on Marketing Trends

One reason for failure in business is sticking to the strategies you found when you were starting. You cannot be knocking on doors and expect to beat social media advertisers.

Employ current trends such as Facebook’s Dynamic Creative. It may be useful today, but watch out for what tomorrow may bring. Look out for the newest digital marketing tips and adopt what works best for you.

Digital Marketing Tips – Final Thoughts

Gathering and implementing useful digital marketing tips can be arduous. It’s an ongoing process that involves trial and error. Stagnating with the same solutions can pave the way for competitors to take the lead.

You can drive your digital marketing strategy by yourself, or you can hire a professional or agency. An inexperienced marketer can fail several times before getting everything right.

An in-house marketing professional can be costly for your business. Agencies can offer specialized services at affordable rates.

Whichever direction you go, keep testing your strategy to find and fix weaknesses.

Are you struggling with lead generation? Contact us today!