How to Design an Effective Property Management Company Website

In the marketplace you live in today, customers are only looking to work with the best of the best. Thanks to technology, it’s easier than ever for them to find it.
An entire market of renters are within your reach, you just need to have a net wide enough to catch the majority of them. That “net” is your website.
Often times, your site is a potential renter’s first exposure to you, so you definitely want to make a good impression!
Here are some factors to consider when making the best property management website to represent your services and property spaces.
1. Avoid Complexity
As a property manager, there aren’t many people outside of your industry that understand what you do.
While you could surely write a novel on all of the things you go through for renting out space, refrain from doing so!
Filling your entire site with jargon and property terminology your customers don’t understand won’t do you any good. Instead, consider keeping it as short and sweet as possible.
Whenever you’ve been looking for a place to rent, such as office space, an apartment, etc., what were you keeping an eye out for? Probably pictures, reviews, and a few specifics (such as the square footage).
Your customers probably have a checklist they’ve compiled for what they’re looking for in their next rental space. Keeping your site simple will help them check off all those boxes quickly.
Remember, when in doubt, use K.I.S.S. (Keep It Simple, Smarty) as your guide!
2. List All of the Essential Details
This step goes hand-in-hand with the first step of avoiding complexity. While you want to keep the site as easy to understand as possible, you certainly can’t skimp out on the essential details.
There are plenty of factors you’ll need to list to set the expectation for you and your potential clients.
No need to waste any time conversing with someone that doesn’t meet the history requirements your property has.
Be as elaborate as possible with this portion. List things like the square footage, bed/bath numbers, pet restrictions, and a list of the amenities.
The more you list, the more your site visitors will feel that your property has to offer. The more you have to offer, the more visitors Google will send to your site.
3. Search Engine Optimization
This is possibly the most essential factor for your website out of this entire article.
The difference between the results of your site using or not using SEO is night and day. You can never hope to accomplish your goals without it.
Search Engine Optimization means your site is taking advantage of things like primary and secondary keywords, embedded links, and quality content.
Without it, your site will end up on the last page of Google’s top search results.
A best practice is to prioritize having a keyword strategy for your site right from the get-go. It’s never too late to start integrating this, especially with SEO experts on your side.
Google’s search algorithm weighs out many different factors to send (or not send) users to your site for answers to their questions. You need to ensure your site is prepared to maximize any visitor that it gets!
4. Start a Blog
You are an expert in your field, and your years of experience are a valuable asset to your property management site.
The potential renters that visit your site have questions; you have answers. Take advantage of that by setting up a blog on your site. Have a separate page of the site dedicated to offering advice and answer common questions.
The blog is a great way to up your site visitors and SEO because you’re providing quality content that can direct them to other areas of your website.
Few features of your site are more beneficial than starting a blog. It’ll give you access to customers that wouldn’t otherwise stumble upon your site.
Some may not be in the market for renting property right now, but they will be someday. They’ll think of you (the expert with a blog) first!
5. Scope out the Competition
While you should never straight up copy what your competitors are doing on their site, it can prove as valuable intel for what’s working.
There’s no harm in replicating a few features of your competition’s site into your own. Just make sure your website still keeps the tone and vibe that you’re looking for.
Ultimately, people want to get an understanding of your style and professionalism.
Take what your competition is doing, put it on your site with your voice on it, and watch it become a valuable tool moving forward.
Keep in mind, just because something works for them or looks good on their site, doesn’t mean it’ll do the same for yours. Be honest with yourself and consider whether or not it gels with your layout.
Remember, SEO is priority number 1. If your competition has a feature currently working for them, then more power to them. You’ll win the marathon with your SEO tactics being put to great use!
Own the Best Property Management Site in Town
There’s no better way to take control of your niche market than by claiming the title of best property management site.
Be sure to read this article on digital marketing for business and how it will perfectly complement your website optimization endeavors.
For more inquiries, please reach out via our contact us page, and we’ll be thrilled to assist you further with your property management website.